

If you'd like to sponsor me to walk the 125 miles around Anglesey and to give to the important work that LATCH does, myself and anyone who benefits from the work would be very grateful.

There are numerous things you could do that would help us. You could donate now through the website www.justgiving.com/llion. But to use their service the website takes 5% from each donation. Therefore is you would like to ensure that 100% of your money goes to the charity you could download this form and return it, along with a cheque made payable to LATCH to the address below;

11 Coedlan Syr Dafydd

Or you could contact me by emailing latch@llion.co.uk to arrange some other way.

Which ever way you decide to give, if you are a taxpayer remember to note that you are happy to be part of the 'gift aid' scheme. This allows LATCH to reclaim an extra 28p for each pound you donate with no additional cost to you.

You could also download this sponsorship form and take it to your church/school/work/pub/Aunty Jill's house etc. to raise as much money as possible. If you do this contact me to arrange for the donations to be collected. Remember to ask people to join the 'gift aid' scheme.

If you're really feeling enthusiastic about what's being done you could even join me on the walk. You could join for the whole thing or only for a day or two, whatever you like. As I only have a brief idea about which dates I'll be travelling, if you are intending to join me get in touch before hand for us to arrange to meet. Remember to download the sponsorship form if you intend on joining the walk.