In brief…

What Clients Need:

Achieving your objectives in Wales increasingly depends on building quality relationships with government, community and representative groups.

Our expertise will enable you and your organisation to act decisively and wisely, speak well for itself and earn respect and endorsement from others by engaging with Welsh civic life and the democratic process.

Our Expertise:

  • decades of proven expertise in public affairs & communications strategy
  • contacts and experience across a wide range of sectors
  • in-depth knowledge of government and public institutions in Wales
  • expert and bilingual knowledge of Wales and its decision makers

Our Experience:

  • planning, economic development, tourism
  • energy, transport, telecommunications
  • broadcasting, new media, new technology
  • health, research and development
  • language schemes and bilingual communications
  • and more….

Our Services:

  • public affairs – research and advice
  • Assembly and Westminster monitoring
  • media and public  relations
  • issues and crisis management
  • political and community relations
  • social responsibility programmes

We have the answers….

T: +44 (0) 29 2021 3629